Donate + Scholarships

Donate + Scholarships

At Shell & Bee we believe that art should be accessible, for all. We believe in inclusivity, community, & the benefit of exposure to the arts.

Shell & Bee Studio Scholarship fund , in collaboration with Tri Town Youth Service, is an effort to guarantee that Chester, Essex, & Deep River children have access to art programs.

Skills built upon in art programs transfer to life skills & educational work. The arts help children build confidence, social/emotional skills, self expression, risk taking, concentration, hand eye coordination, fundamental writing skills, reduce stress, & process hardships.

*All scholarships information is shared between Tri Town Youth Director & Shell & Bee Directress and is completely confidential*

Make a donation.

Our mission is to make art accessible for all, regardless of financial means. All money from our scholarship funds gives access for students, of all ages, to join enrichment art programs, camps, & other programs we offer.

Your donation gives students access to the arts. Art is for all!
