School’s Out & Early Dismissal

Art Program

Early Dismissal Program 1:00-3:30pm | $37.50 | ages 5-12

Region 4 is closing early but we are open! Students age 5 & up are invited to join us for an afternoon of creating. This program runs 1-3:30. We ask that parents pack a snack, water bottle, & change of clothes. We suggest clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty. Deep River students can take the bus to the studio. Parents are required to fill this form out and give it to the front desk at school.

Fall: 10/25, 10/26, 10/27

Winter: 2/14

Spring: 4/24 3/21, 3/22

School’s Out Program 9:00-1:00pm | $60.00 | ages 5-12

Region 4 is closed but we are open! Students age 5 & up are invited to join us for a day of creating. This program runs 9-1. We ask that parents pack a snack, water bottle, change of clothes, & lunch. We suggest clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty.

Fall: 9/25, 11/7

Winter: 1/16, 2/19, 2/20, 2/21, 2/22, 2/23, 3/13

Spring: 4/8-4/12